After spending the last few months building and cultivating his sound, Guildford-based newcomer Harry Eley is now ready to introduce himself to the wider world with his vibrant debut single ‘Thinking Of You’.
Channelling a wonderfully bold and riveting indie-rock aesthetic for his initial offering, ‘Thinking Of You’ makes for an incredibly rich and euphoric introduction to his sound. With its thunderous textures, soaring atmosphere, and his own stellar vocals at the helm, he is kicking things off with a wildly enjoyable opening number here.
Speaking about his new offering, Harry said, “Thinking of You is a song about young adults filled with raging hormones exploring their sexuality in an age where thoughts and feelings are policed by technology and society.”
While it may still be very early days for him right now, ‘Thinking Of You’ shows he already has a strong and commanding grasp over his direction right now. With such flair towards his songwriting and production throughout, we can’t wait to hear what he comes back with next.